by dorota | Feb, 2024 | Europe after crisis, Just energy transition, News, Uncategorized
O co chodzi rolnikom:ekologia – Ukraina – ekonomia Debata online 20 lutego 2024 Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwszą debatę o sytuacji rolników w Polsce i Europie. CONTACT: Zofia Mateusz...
by admin | Dec, 2020 | Europe after crisis, Recommendations
European taxonomy Katarzyna Szwarc Winter 2020 An EU Social Taxonomy: why do we need it and how to design it? Introduction Public spending and investment in the EU is likely to reach unprecedented levels in the coming years, amongst all due to the Green Deal, the Just...
by admin | Nov, 2020 | Europe after crisis, Recommendations
Work for all at social Europe Jan Zygmuntowski An EU-wide job guarantee would be a counter-cyclical measure to tackle the health, employment and ecological crises together. With a cascade of global crises wreaking havoc on our fragile economies, additional...
by admin | Oct, 2020 | Europe after crisis, Recommendations
European Job Guarantee Targeting the Triple Crises Facing Post-COVID Europe Authors: Jan J. Zygmuntowski (Kozminski University) Kirył Zach (University of Cambridge) Krzysztof Hejduk (Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Student) Abstract The EU in 2020 is in the midst of...
by admin | Jul, 2020 | Europe after crisis, Just energy transition, Recommendations
Jaką Poskę chcemy odbudować za europejskie pieniądze? Spring 2020 Do: Minister Funduszy i polityki Regionalnej Małgorzaty Jarosińskiej-Jedynak Wicepremier Minister Rozwoju Jadwigi Emilewicz Minister Rodziny Pracy i Polityki Społecznej Marleny Maląg Apel o...