Europe needs


Europe needs


Europe needs

communities working together. 

Europe, a Patient Association is a pan-European, non-partisan, cross-political advocacy and expert initiative.

Europe is engulfed by problems caused by disregard of the powerless by the powerful.

Europe, a Patient is the voice of the less powerful against greed and short-term interests which harm societies and environment. We are the voice on ending pandemics, ensuring just climate transition and strengthening European solidarity

Latest articles
The Small European Reset

The Small European Reset

Europe needs to stick to its values.
But to stay on course it also needs protect those who are threatened by energy poverty.

Raport Nowa Solidarność

Raport Nowa Solidarność

Państwo polskie musi zmierzyć się z największym wyzwaniem w historii III RP, wykraczającym daleko ponad to, które przyniosła z sobą pandemia COVID-19. Choć nie bierzemy bezpośrednio udziału w wojnie w Ukrainie, będziemy przez długi czas ponosić jej konsekwencje, niezależnie od tego, jak szybko się ona zakończy. Skala tych konsekwencji jest wciąż trudna do wyobrażenia. Nie ma właściwie dziedziny życia politycznego, gospodarczego i społecznego, której nie dotknęłyby skutki rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę.

Kyiv needs emissaries of peace

Kyiv needs emissaries of peace

We ask religious leaders to go to Kyiv as the emissaries of peace  – the good news which Ukrainians are desperate to hear today. We believe that presence of religious leaders and prayers in the squares of the city can prevent its bombing and further escalation of war. 

Eliminating COVID, saving European green deal – online conference 17 Dec.

Eliminating COVID, saving European green deal – online conference 17 Dec.

By failing to solve the COVID crisis
the EU risks becoming incapable of leading the Bighting against the climate crisis. That is
why leaders in science, politics and religion across the political spectrum are appealing
to European decision makers to introduce recommendations to eliminate COVID in
Europe and make the best use of the European Green Deal to ensure a socially just transition for all.